Thursday, 23 December 2010

Doctor Sweeth Tooth

This family owned and operated business is simply divine. All their products are paraben-free and come in over 2oo scents, and better yet they are all freshly whipped up once you place your order. So they are guranteed to arrive fresh.

There is so much to choose from! These are some of their scents I want to try out:

Baby Powder
Malted Milk
Marshmallow Fluff
Pixie Dust
Rock Candy Star
Sugar Cookie
Sugared Shortbread
Vanilla Birthday Cake
Vanilla Bomb
Vanilla Butter Cream
Oatmeal, Milk and Honey

All the scents come in the form of different products likedry oil perfume, body spray, dry shampoo, body powder, handmade bodyscrub and somuch more. It's all so lovely.

Seen as I am about to start a new skincare routine (more on that later) I think this is a really appropriate time to indulge in some new sweet purchases. Which I did. Actually only 1 purchase: vanilla bean silky dry oil ($9), which is described as "a very rich and creamy full bodied vanilla aroma.'' More purchases to come. My list is ever ready.

Enthralled? Check them out

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